App Integration

A detailed description of how to integrate your app with the Senza platform

Integrating your app with the Senza platform involves several key steps, covering essential requirements and optional enhancements. Your app must be designed for a television experience, supporting full HD resolution, remote control navigation, and a ten-foot viewing environment.


  1. See Integration Overview high level description of steps to integrate your app
  2. App Requirements to understand if your apps are ready to be integrated
  3. Follow the Quick Start guide
  4. Familiarize yourself with the Developer Tools

App Integration Steps

  1. Browser Integration: Test Chrome compatibility, remote control functionality, and remove platform-specific dependencies.
  2. Device Integration: Connect the Senza client library, get cloud connector info, and update geolocation to use the device's IP.
  3. Player Integration: Sync local and remote players using Shaka Player subclass or integrate directly with the remote player.
  4. Lifecycle Integration: Implement foreground/background transitions.
  5. Platform Integration: Configure security policies, DRM, and device-based authentication.


  • Reference Implementation: A demo app showcasing these steps.
  • Playing Video: A step-by-step guide to the reference implementation.
  • Program Guide: Demonstrates how to integrate a full featured app with just a few lines of code.
  • Sample App: This video tutorial includes a demo of the reference implementation and a dive into the code.