Testing Your App
Functionality check of your app
This page covers things you'll want to check both before and after you integrate with the Client Library.
Can you log in? If not, you'll need to consider your Authentication approach.
- You can use Device Authentication to sign in users automatically using the unique identifier built into the device.
- You may also consider using QR Code Authentication to let users sign in using their mobile phone when setting up the device.
- If you're stuck at a login screen during initial testing, you can use the Remote Debugger to type in credentials using your keyboard.
Remote Control
Does your app support remote control navigation? If not, you'll need to add Remote Control support. Check if all the buttons on the remote work? If not, you can update the Key Mappings.
Does your app play video? If so, you will need to integrate with the Remote Player to take full advantage of Senza's ability to stream video directly to the cloud connector.
Does encrypted video work when streaming to a physical device?
- You will need to add support for Protected Content to handle the encryption keys.
- Check the supported content media formats to make sure your video is in a compatible DASH format.
Once you have integrated with the App Lifecycle, does your app switch to background mode when playing fullscreen video, and back to the foreground when the viewer presses a button on the remote? If not, you will need to find the transition points in your app where fullscreen video starts and stops playing and add calls to switch to background or foreground mode. See the Reference Integration for examples.
Does your app use the client's IP address to geolocate the user? If so, you'll need to add one line of code for Geolocation to get the country code or IP address of the client device.
Updated 7 months ago