You can use the Senza Console to manage your cloud connector devices. The list includes both:
- Physical devices, which can be identified by their batch ID.
- Virtual devices, which let you use the Device Simulator but do not correspond to a physical device or have a batch ID.
Home Page
The Home page has a list of up to five favorite and recently connected devices.
Devices Tab
Click on Devices in the sidebar to see all your devices, or click See All at the bottom of the favorites list.
By default the table only shows your favorite devices. To browse all devices in a tenant, select a tenant from the list.
If you know the device ID of the device you are looking for, you can paste it into the search field and click Search.
Click a device to edit the configuration. You can also click the Settings link in the table on the home page.
There are a number of action buttons at the top of the screen.
- Add to favorites, or remove from favorites. Favorite devices appear in the table on the home page.
- Open the Device Simulator to run apps on virtual devices during the development process.
- Open the Remote Debugger to inspect physical devices. The debugger is available for devices that are switched on and currently displaying a web app in foreground mode (rather than streaming video in background mode).
The More Actions menu also contains these commands:
- Clear User Data — removes cookies and clears local storage
- Clear Wi-Fi Settings — for troubleshooting the network connection; the user will need to setup the device again
- Clear Bluetooth Settings — for troubleshooting the remote control; the user will need to repair the remote
- Reboot Device — for troubleshooting other functionality; the user will see the device restart
- Revoke Device — will disable the device, for example if the user has cancelled their subscription
General Settings
- Device ID — 16 hex characters, used to identify the device throughout the system
- Batch ID — used to identify the batch of devices produced in the factory (only for physical devices)
- Flashed Version — the version of the firmware installed on the device
- Description — human readable name for the device
Go ahead and give you favorite device a memorable description. Supports emoji! 😀
Tenant Settings
- Tenant — Shows what tenant the device is assigned to. Devices will start up to the web app specified in the tenant's application URL. Users can move a device from one tenant to another if they have the Admin role for both the old and new tenants.
- Community — Every device is part of either the Beta or Stable community, which determines which version of the Senza platform the device uses. It is recommended that you keep a small portion of your devices in the Beta community so that you can be prepared for new versions being promoted to Stable. Admin users can move devices between communities. See Communities for more details.
Connection Information
This section contains read only information about the device's first and most recent connections:
- First Connected Date
- Last Connection ID
- Last Connected Date — useful for determining if the device has been used recently
- Last Connected Tenant
- Last Connected Community
- Last Connected IP Address
- Last Connected User Agent
Devices API
The Device API supports the following endpoints:
See Making API Requests for more information on calling the API.
Updated 7 months ago